Dai Si Jae Emily Lam - Junior Coach
Emily discovered her love for true traditional martial arts when she had been introduced to U.S. Jow Ga Martial Arts through a neighboring friend along side her older brother Eric. Having only a year in a different martial art, Jow Ga Kung Fu had peaked her interest through traditional Chinese Lion Dance. Her love for martial arts developed alongside the motivational family environment, leading her through multiple international tournaments of where she placed top 3. Starting from the young age of 12, her love for lion dance has brought her to become the head female Lion Dancer of the school. She now works with students of various ages to help grow their passion for Lion Dance and performing.
As a Junior Coach, Emily strives to be someone who is a voice for the students, and to allow others to feel heard and understood. Today, Emily helps the school through working with a variety of students whether they be new or experienced, and improving their techniques in a way that is personalized. Emily believes that everyone has a passion for martial arts somewhere inside of them, and as long as there is someone there to help kick-start their martial arts journey, they will go far. |